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SKILLS LEARNED: Communication, Collaboration, Reflection

Joining band ever since grade 8 at Tamanawis Secondary was probably the best choice I've made in regards to growing as a person. Every class I worked with the same people working towards the same goal. Each and every one of us had our own talent to showcase where some were even better than others but in the end it all mattered how the we sounded all together. Therefore, in order to to sound good as a band I worked hard on keeping my trumpet section on task. At times during rehearshals I would give feedback to the trumpets and tell them what to improve on for next class.


Using what I've learned from my music teacher I would share the different types of techniques I use for practicing how to reach really high notes. Moreover, I assigned sectionals with them during lunch or afterschool where we individually help each other on what we specifically need to work on. Whether it may be a certain piece or just the fundamentals of how to read music. I always provided them with various sources and videos that will able to help them grow as a trumpet player .The act of leadership towards band came naturally to me as it was motivated through sounding the best we can as a team. With this in mind I was fortunate enough to be recognized of my efforts where I received a Music Leadership award in grade 10.

These are some videos I have recommended for my section to practice.:


SKILLS LEARNED: Communication, Collaboration, Self-Management, Critical Thinking 

By joining PraiseTeam and being in a hip-hop and contemporary dance class, I was able to establish new friendships as well as ways of understanding myself more.


When learning choreography I would always ask others for help and when in need they would to. We would assist each other on making sure we all know the choreography, comminicating our own insights on how a move should be done. There were times in class where we evaluated each other's dancing of a choreography we learned and I would observe the movements and used it as a reference to improve my dancing. Throughout the year I was faced with many challenges on staying motivated to keep dancing. It was my first year being in this type of setting being around actual dancers and it was a struggle for me to keep up with them at their level. When I practiced I always got frustrated since I couldn't memorize a set of moves in a short amount of time.


Moreover, contemporary dance invloved lots of flexibililty and jumping skills, and since my body was not used to it, I experienced obstacles and hardships towards learning how to dance in this area. Nonetheless, in order to endure this challenge I always asked my coaches for help and they gave lots of tips revolving around how everyone starts at different levels and it's important to realize that dancing is a skill that comes with lots of repetition and consistent practice. From this, I learned that I thought too negative of myself and that by doing so it led me to create a mindset that dancing was something easy and so I learned a lot from dancing in which will help me in future experiences.


The medal is from the Peak Invitational Competition where we won 3rd place.

This is our performance for the Christams Show of the whole studio in whcih we practiced the piece for 3 months.

Bullet Journaling

SKILLS LEARNED: Organizational skills, Reflection skills, Transfer skills, Affective skills

In CLC class, we learned the strategy of using a bullet journal as a way to record our daily tasks, events, notes, and organize what is going to happen in the future. I've never heard of this type of journalling before and I am glad that I was able to discover it. It helped me on becoming more organized with my thoughts and ideas.


Writing it down into a book was way better than jotting it down in your phone as it can cause distraction. The journal made became such a vital aspect in my everyday life because it was a way that I could prepare myself for deadlines. I did not only limit to daily logging but I also had challenges every other week which helped with my physical or mental health. Additionally, I created a page dedicated to my post secondary goal where I made an outline of what paths I could take.

With each daily log I searched everyday on what I needed to improve on, whether it may be through dance, playing the trumpet, math. Also, it allowed me to reflect on things such as how much screen time I have, what days I need more sleep on, and what mood I have on certain days. Overall, this tool has enabled me to strive on becoming more structured and thinking ahead.

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