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“Begin with the end in mind.” – Stephen Covey


In my careers class, we we able to learn how to effectively achieve our goals using S.M.A.R.T. goals. This is a structured way of setting goals and by using this it helped me in becoming more organized. 


What is it about?





Your goal should be clear and specific. 5 W's + How:


  • What do I want to accomplish?

  • Where is it located?

  • Why is this goal important?

  • Who is involved?

  • When will you do it?

  • How will it happen?






Break down your goal into measurable aspects. This will allow you to track your progress and stay committed to your goal.

Make your goal realistic. Choose something that you are capable of doing. It should be a little challenging but still possible for you to attain.

The goal must matter to you. Ask yourself is it worthwhile to achieve this or if it is a priority for you.




Apply specific dates and deadlines for yourself so that you can focus on what needs to be done in a timely manner.


In September 2020, I’m planning to attend a college in BC and complete a diploma in criminology. Doing so will enable my path towards my desired career of being a police officer. Having to choose this career path is important to me as it fulfills my passion of wanting to establish a positive impact in society by making people safe and providing justice. In order to achieve this goal I will,

  • Research by Friday (March 22) which colleges offer a program for a diploma in criminology by going onto their website and looking under the program catalogue.

  • Learn by Friday (March 22) about the admission requirements and the application process for those institutions and make sure I meet their requirements and deadlines. 

  • Discuss with my parents which institution we agree on committing to. (Do this weekend March 24)

  • Maintain decent grades. 

  • Obtain a job during this summer and create a savings plan (At end of school year)


My goal at the start of the year was preparing myself in attending an institute in BC that allowed me to complete a diploma in Criminology. This has changed however, by picking a more specific college. The reason for this altercation is that by utilizing my action plans for my initial goal, I was able to pinpoint the institutions that suited my needs. Thus, I will instead, plan to attend Douglas College, (New Westminster campus) and obtain a Bachelor's degree in Criminology. I looked at various colleges such as Langara, Vancouver Community College, Douglas, etc. I found that Douglas College was the only one that was able to satisfy my needs.



They provide a Bachelor's Degree in Criminology in which the other institutions didn't have. Additionally, the New Westminster campus is fairly close to where I live. Some of the academic requirements to get into this institution is having a minimum overall grade average of 60% in the final year of highschool, as well as having a minimum final grade of 60% in Grade 11 Mathematics. In terms of my progress, I have been keeping my grades in the 78% and above area, and in Pre-calculus 11 I'm currently at 87%. As a result, I am already underway on meeting these requirements.





Furthermore, as a way to contribute towards applying as a police officer in the future, as of May 22 I have been accepted into the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) Law Enforcement Preparatory Program. This is a post-secondary program that is completely free and will teach me about the Canadian criminal Justice system. Through this, I have the opportunity to earn both post-secondary and highschool which can later be transferrable to the JIBC’s Law Enforcement Studies Diploma. 




In conclusion, for the rest of this summer and in the next school year, my plan is to


  • Obtain a part-time job so that I'll be able to create a savings plan for the expenses towards going to Douglas. (Starting of July)

  • Continue to keep my grades above minimum. (more than 60%)

  • Apply to volunteer programs. Start applying by this week. ( preferably Surrey Crime Prevention Society)

  • Apply for scholarships.




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